Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thanks everybody!

Big thanks to everybody who let me make your portraits this weekend! 
And thanks Mr. Marks for taking a photo of my portrait station during The Projects at the IPRC.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

TODAY at The Projects

Today (and maybe tomorrow too!) from 1-4pm at the IPRC for 
The Projects (http://theprojectspdx.tumblr.com/)

I will be doing a live painting experiment called 'You Look Good : Can I Paint Your Picture?'. If you are interested in having your picture painted pleas
e stop by! I will be taking a photo to paint from so you don't have to stand around and instead you can go exploring the many free workshops where you can make collaborative drawings, exquisite corpses, totem building, sad penguins, choose your own adventure and more. In the evening there will be a panel called: Breaking Through: New Models for Festivals and Publishing, and then after that Gridlords: Maia Bambul w/ Pulse Emitter, Austin English, Julia Gfrorer & Allie Hankins, Clara Bessijelle, Matthew Thurber, Jesse McManus & company

The IPRC is in SE Portland at 1001 Southeast Division Street.
Hope to see you!